Vonatkozó névmások
I did everything ............ I could.
Correct! Wrong!
Everything után: THAT
You said nothing ............... made sense.
Correct! Wrong!
Nothing után: THAT. Fordítás: "Nem mondtál semmit, aminek értelme lett volna."
He spoke very fast, ..................... made it hard to understand him.
Correct! Wrong!
Vessző után extra információ: WHICH
Where is the gift ................. I gave you?
Correct! Wrong!
...amit....(tárgy eset): a vonatkozó névmás elhagyható. Where is the gift I gave you? Where is the gift which / that I gave you? Mindkét mondat helyes!
I did .................. I could.
Correct! Wrong!
Ige után: WHAT
That is not ................ I wanted.
Correct! Wrong!
Ige után: WHAT
I will tell you something ................ will surprise you.
Correct! Wrong!
Something után: THAT
They did not believe ............ I said.
Correct! Wrong!
Ige után: WHAT
They did not believe the story .............. I told them
Correct! Wrong!
Főnév (story) után nem lehet WHAT