Driving true or false
1. The text provides information on how to obtain a driver's license.
Correct! Wrong!
2. Every road user should respect the highway code to ensure safe coexistence.
Correct! Wrong!
3. Adhering to speed limits is not mandatory for safe driving.
Correct! Wrong!
4. Turn signals should be used only in emergencies.
Correct! Wrong!
5. The text discusses rules for parking in rural areas.
Correct! Wrong!
6. Impaired driving greatly increases the chance of accidents.
Correct! Wrong!
7. Using a mobile phone while driving is considered a dangerous and illegal activity.
Correct! Wrong!
8. The text gives specific details about how to fix a car's brakes.
Correct! Wrong!
9. Drivers should yield to emergency vehicles on the road.
Correct! Wrong!
10. Following driving guidelines ensures the safety of only the driver.
Correct! Wrong!