Climate change questions
1. What is the primary cause of climate change since the industrial age?
Human activity.
2. Why are greenhouse gases essential for life, yet problematic in excessive levels?
They trap heat from the sun to warm the planet, but excessive levels result in a warmer earth.
3. What severe consequences are mentioned as results of climate change?
Extreme weather events, melting ice caps, rising sea levels.
4. How can the release of vast amounts of carbon dioxide be attributed to energy and transportation?
Through the burning of fossil fuels.
5. What is causing trees to no longer absorb carbon dioxide at a rate that is beneficial for the environment?
6. What actions can individuals take to contribute to reducing emissions?
Using less electricity, recycling waste, choosing public transport.
7. Why is international cooperation crucial in tackling climate change?
Because climate change is a global issue.
8. What international agreement is mentioned as an effort to unite countries in reducing global warming?
The paris agreement.
9. Why is it crucial to address the climate crisis urgently?
The longer we wait, the more drastic the changes and the harder to reverse.
10. Why is education on climate issues essential?
It’s necessary for future generations.